Legal notice

1. Information


You may contact the publisher by using this website’s contact form. 

Editorial director

You may contact the editorial director by using this website contact’s form.  

2. Hosting Server : OVH.
2 rue Kellermann
59 100 Roubaix


3. Data protection and civil privacy law

We respect users private lives, data recorded about customers will never be given to anyone else. In accordance with the law, you can access, change, correct or delete information recorded about you whenever you want. To do this you just have to log of your website account or you can contact us (contact information in section 1.).

This website has been declared to CNIL on 07/31/2013.

4. Links to other websites and cookies

This website may contain hyperlinks to other websites added with the editorial director’s agreement. However, the editorial director cannot control the other websites content linked from this website. So he is not responsible for other websites even if they are accessed from this website.

This website may use cookies. They are small files recorded in user computer (or other device). Please note that you can setup your web browser to refuse cookies, but if you do you will be unable to access to all area of the website.

Last update : 01/29/2014